Sunday, February 21, 2010

Adobe Document Services Configuration Document

1.                 Introduction.

This document covers the phases which were performed during the course of the ADS implementation at the CRM Box. The system is a Dual Stack (AS ABAP+ AS JAVA) installed on the same machine with SP12 level. The goal is to setup the basic authentication model for the ADS services.
Please note that the document only covers the overview of the configuration phase and one should always follow to the updated document at the SDN network.

 The basic steps performed to setup the ADS at the CRM box were-
Steps needed to be Performed at Web AS JAVA
At AS- ABAP side we need to install ADS services. We need to configure users/groups and Destination.
***For interactive forms scenario we need to configure web service client service at the Web AS JAVA side.
Steps needed to be performed at Web AS ABAP
We need to configure RFC Destination, User/role and ICF service at the AS ABAP

2.                 Phase-1.

This phase covers the reset of the system users which were required to configure and validate the ADS services on the CRM system.
Initially during the configuration and testing phase the password for the following users were required
1.     Crmadm
2.     SDM User
3.     J2ee_admin
1. Have reset the password system account “crmadm” user to “***” to gain the access for go.bat directory to start the JSPM tool.
2. Have reset the password of SDM user to “***” to check/apply java support level/stacks.
Reset password of SDM user to access JSPM and verify the Support level for the ADS.
Steps to change the SDM password
SDM is default in Integrated Mode, first you have to take it to Standalone Mode and after changing password take it back to Integrated Mode
Stop the server from the SAP Management console
Navigate to the SDM\program directory in MS-DOS window
start the standalone SDM
sdm jstartup "sdmhome=C:\usr\sap\J2E\JC00\SDM\program" "mode=standalone"
change the password
sdm changepassword "sdmhome=C:\usr\sap\J2E\JC00\SDM\program" "newpassword=*****"
Take SDM to Integrated Mode: sdm jstartup "mode=integrated"
3. Activate the emergency user through the config tool.
 Start the config tool ( Path: C:\usr\sap\CRM\DVEBMGS10\j2ee\configtool )
 Set the following UME properties:
ume.superadmin.activated                     True
ume.superadmin.password                    Password
Restart the AS Java
Login into the UML with sap* user and reset the password for j2ee_admin
** In the current CRM box being a dual stack box the j2ee_admin user resides in ABAP client and password should be reset from the client itself**
3.                  Phase-2.
This Phase covers the steps performed on the CRM system to setup the ADS services.
Steps performed sequentially to setup ADS (interactive forms scenario) at the CRM box.
1.     Start Configuration tool at AS JAVA side (C:\usr\sap\CRM\DVEBMGS10\j2ee\configtool\configtool.bat)
Add following parameter if not found at the cluster data à instance_dvebmgs10à server
2.     Restart the AS Java.
3.     Login into the http://server:port/useradmin and check for the ABAP Source client ( change it to 800 )
4.     Check/create “ADSuser” user at the ABAP source client using su01.
5.     Specify/check the role ADScallers assigned to the user as per guide.
6.     Create ABAP connection using RFC destination using SM59. As per page number 18 of the guide.
7.     Enter the URL http://:/AdobeDocumentServices/Config .
To find the port number of j2ee engine use this formula to calculate the port number. (Port number =50000+100*instance number)
Choose test à rpdata(test..), give adsuser users credentials and choose submit. If the configuration for the Users (Step 4, 5) is correct the system displays the version number of the ADS in the response area.
8.      Test the Report FP_PDF_TEST_00 for displaying the version number of the ADS.
9.      Activate the ICF service in ABAP Side
 Log on to your SAP Web AS ABAP system
Choose transaction SICF.
Choose default host → sap → bc → fp in the tree.
Choose Service/Virt.Host → Activate
10.  Create /Check the destination service 
·         Start the visual administrator tool àservicesà Destinations
·         Under runtime select HTTP. Choose New and create in the navigation panel
·         Configure the HTTP destinations for ADS by choosing Services ® Systems ® Destinations in the Visual Administrator for the J2EE Engine.
·         Create an HTTP destination with the name FP_ICF_DATA.
·         In the dialog box that follows, enter the name FP_ICF_DATA_, where is your ABAP system, for the new destination and choose OK.
·         Under Connection Settings, enter the message server (or Web Dispatcher) of the SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP in the URL field:
·         http://:
·         To display the host name of your SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP log on to SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP and call transaction SICF. In the main menu, choose Goto → Port Information. The information is displayed on a screen; where the HTTP_port is specified under Services.
·         Select the option BASIC for authentication and enter the service user (including password) that has authorization for Adobe in the standard client of the back-end ERP system.
·         Choose Save.
11.  Now run the report FP_CHECK_DESTINATION_SERVICE
once run this report without checking the destination and after that run with checking the destination box. Both should return the same number of bytes as per note 944221
12.  Goto se38 : Program name, Now Execute report FP_PDF_TEST_00
If the program Execution shows a two page PDF document then ADS configure is done.
13.   Obtain the Reader Rights Credential
You need to setup the RRC for the Adobe Interactive forms scenario. To obtain your Reader Rights Credential, see SAP Note 736902. Furthermore, you can get a trial 6-month Reader Rights Credential from SDN network.
14.  Install and Configure  the Reader Rights Credential
 Copy the credential file (filename.pfx) to the /usr/sap//SYS/global/AdobeDocumentServices/TrustManagerService/trust/credentials directory
Configure the Credential Attributes:
  • Logon to the Visual Admin
  • On the Cluster tab, choose Server - > Services -> Document Services Configuration.
  • On the Runtime tab, select Credentials.
  • From the Type field, select the type of credential you are configuring (P12 record)
  • In the Alias field, enter the alias ‘ReaderRights’
  • Choose Browse to search for the name of the credential and then Select
  • In the sha1 field, enter the sha1 value. This value is available in the text file which is found along with the certificate in the zip file.
  • In the password field, enter the password you received along with the credential. In this case, you can enter your own password or the same value in the text file.
  • Confirm the password and click Add.
15.  Restart the service PDF Manipulation Module for changes to take effect.
  • Logon to Visual Admin
  • On the Cluster tab, choose server -> Services -> PDF Manipulation Module
  • Right click and stop the service.
  • Once stopped, right click and start the service

4.                 Phase-3.
This Phase covers the Troubleshooting part done at the CRM system.

While accessing the Visual admin through normal user (having J2EE_ADMIN role) it is giving error, Apart from that the j2ee engine still crashed when accessed by "useradmin " through the UML portal.
Followed the Note  724452
After activating the emergency user sap* I was not able to reset the password for j2ee_admin or create a new user in identity management. An error occurred in the persistence. The original message (possibly not translated) was: "Attribute "lockreason" on namespace "" of principal "UACC.R3_DATASOURCE.J2EE_ADMIN" is not modifiable.” Contact your system administrator.
Current user has user creation permissions in the UME, but cannot create users in the back-end system (data source). The original and possibly untranslated message was: "No active writeable datasource found for user creation, check your Persistence Configuration."

The ABAP Source client was set to 001 at the Portal. Changed that to 800 Client.
When trying to execute the report FP_TEST_00 i am the following error
An exception occurred which is explained in detail below.
The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_FP_API_INTERNAL', was not caught
therefore caused a runtime error.
The reason for the exception is:
Error in include information for function module /1BCDWB/SM00000002
Follow SAP NOTE 1076159:
Run this program with FP_TEST_00 in the input parameter of this report.

The report, FP_TEST_00 generates a few function modules based on the entries in few custom tables which should be refreshed. Thus by applying this note we refresh the entries.

While accessing the Document services configuration with the visual admin tool , i am getting the error " can not load the required classes for the document services configuration "
Checked Note  1017526 and restarted the cluster
While running the report FP_TEST_00 it was giving error” cannot find PDL type for output device LP01”
Installed a new printer device ( PDL Supported) and set it default for other users.
While trying to execute the interactive form  http://server:8010/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/zneri_zadobe
and after putting the credentials it is giving following error .

The following error text was processed in the system CRM : WebDynpro Exception: ADS: Request start time
The error occurred on the application server 187799-ap_CRM_10 and in the work process 0 .
The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
The ABAP call stack was:
Method: RAISE of program CX_WD_GENERAL=================CP
Re-installed the Readers Rights credentials configuration and restart the PDM service.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Solution Manager 7.0 EHP 1 Installation

Here are the steps complied after reading the installation guide which needs to be performed for the installation of Solman 7.0 ( EHP1 )  . Always do refer the updated guide at SAP service marketplace site.
Solman 7.0 ( EHP 1)  Installation ---
Prerequisites:  64 bit platform with oracle or higher in case you are using windows 2008 server
You start SAPinst
On the Welcome screen, choose Software--> Life-Cycle Options-->Additional
Preparations--> Prerequisites Check.
Central System Installation software checks
Paging file size -- should be 1 times RAM plus 14 GB .
To check paging file size:
  • Choose Start -->Control Panel  -->System.
  • Choose Advanced (Windows Server 2003) or Advanced system settings (Windows Server 2008).
  • Select Performance Settings--> Advanced.
  • If required, in section Virtual memory, choose Change.
 Perform a local installation ( No Domain Installation )
Configure a local SLD
SLD HTTP Port --The HTTP port of the Java system where the SLD is installed. The following naming
convention applies: 500.
Disable windows firewall.
Reducing the Size of the File Cache---If you are not using windows 2008.
1.Choose StartControl Panel-->Network Connections--->Local Area Connections.
2.In the Local Area Connection Status dialog box, choose Properties.
3.In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, double-click File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft
4.Select Maximize data throughput for network applications

Download JDK from  ( JSE 1.4.2 x64)
JCE policy 1.4.2 from
Go for Central Instance Installation .
Check for Windows Server 2008: You require the Oracle Instant Client Version
 Oracle Installation :
On the database server, start the Oracle Universal Installer as follows:
  • Place the Oracle in the DVD drive and change to the directory: :\NT\
  • Double-click the file sapserver.cmd.
  •  In the installation phase "Configuration Assistants"
  • If you see an error message, choose OK. Ignore the following Warning screen and choose OK.
  • Choose Next.
 SAP Installation :
You can use sapinst.exe -p To see a list of all available SAPinst properties, open a command prompt and
start SAPinst with the option -p:sapinst.exe -p . ( required in case of manually defining the port number
1. Use the local administrator account for the installation.
2.If you want to install a new SAP Solution Manager system from scratch, choose SAP Solution Manager
SAP SystemsBased on AS ABAP and AS Java. ( go for central
After the installation is completed check for ABAP and JAVA users :
Start a Web browser and enter the following
URL:http://:500 with user java_admin .
Install the license: NetWeaver 7.0 Library (including Enhancement Package 1) English--->SAP
NetWeaver Library-->Technology Consultant's Guide-->Cross-NetWeaver Configurations->SAP License Keys
Follow the sap note 94998 for updated method to request license key.
******** (licensing for java engine, J2ee)
Apply the latest kernel and support packages for abap and java-----check sap notes 19466 and 1276022
For java use JSPM
 Install the SAP online Documentation---
Install the SAP online documentation in your SAP system as described in the README.TXT file contained in
the root directory of the online documentation DVD, delivered as part of the installation package.
Performing Initial ABAP Configuration   
When you have installed your SAP ABAP system, you have to perform the following initial configuration
  • Perform a consistency check
  • Configure the transport management system
  • Perform basic operations
  • Configure system parameters
  • Configure the number of work processesH‚
  • Configure kernel parameters
  • Install languages and performing language transport
  • Configure the integrated Internet Transaction Server(ITS)
  • Maintain your company address for initial users
  • Configure AS ABAP to support Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
  • Configure Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN)
  • Configure business applications
1. Perform a consistency check --Call T-code SICK
2. Configure the transport management system --
                perform post installation steps for TMS . T-code se06-->Standard Installation-->perform post
installation steps.Call STMS in abap System ( Which client ? )
( put all the steps to coinfigure STMPS in SOLMAN)
3. COnfigure Operation mode ( can be skipped for now) RZ03.
4. Setup Logon groups ( SMLG)
5. Setup Administrators for background jobs, take print from this url and  (
6. Schedule background Jobs ---( define the steps)
7. Install a printer--Go to command line > SPAD and enter > choose Output devices > Click on Change >
Click on create new > define the output device > spool server, short name, host id (printer name), define
to the output type (choose F:frontend printing or L: for LPR printing) > and save the config.
( If the printer is a laser printer it usually prints with Device type HPLJ4 or HPLJ5.) , otherwise
import the drive from tcode SPAD, goto "Utilities --> For device types --> Import".)
8. Configure the system log ---To display system logs, choose Tools ® Administration from the R/3 initial
screen.The system displays the System Administration initial screen. ChooseMonitoring ® System log. The
System Log initial screen appears.
 Checking the Configured Number of Work Processes ( * can be done later )
Check sap notes 39412 and 9942.
Configuring Kernel Parameters --
Check sap notes 146289 and 835474
 Installing language and performing language transports ---
i18n ( t-code)
 Perform initial JAVA configuration---
1. Create a second administrator user -- Start Identity management
 create new user (
 Check for JAVA VM memory settings ( note 723909)
 Performing Oracle-Specific Post-Installation Steps---
Security Setup for the Oracle Listener ( note 186119)
Enabling DB monitoring ( Note 706927)
Perform Initial Backup using brtools.
 Configure SLD--- (* can be done later on )
 Configuring SAP solution Manager --- check configuration guide at service market place ****
solman_setup ( T code)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

SAP Implementation Journey

Hello , I would be defining the technical road map and activities which were followed by me for SAP implementation in this post. This topic would be further categorized in few sub topics.

Download JAVA SC Patches via NW JAVA Support Tool – An Easy Way

As we all know calculating the required dependencies of a JAVA SCA patch leads to lot of manual work sometimes and also prone that you may...