Friday, July 3, 2009

Common Problems with SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe - PART I -

Always Refer to the original Article at
This weblog is based on problems we often see at our standard support chanel. Here I list the common sympthomes, and common causes. The list (of course) is not complete. If you have one of these sympthomes, it is not sure you have the same problem, what you find here. I hope you will find it useful ;-)
P1 - Plattform / Basis Level -
Sympthoms- The standrad test report: 'FP_TEST_00' or 'FP_CHECK_DESTINATION_SERVICE' "hangs". It runs enendless.- There are NO files (n)or directories located in the "/usr/sap///j2ee/os_libs/adssap/XMLFormService" folder. Maybe the complete: "/usr/sap///j2ee/os_libs/" folder is empty. - You see the following exception in the default trace of the J2EE engine: Error while generating PDF PageExportRenderingRootNode_0001 - You see the following exception in the default trace of the J2EE engine: javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException:
Transaction system failure in method rpData.
Possible cause:- The ADS is installed on a plattform, that is currently not supported by SAP for ADS. Please check the avaliablity at: Product Availability Matrix - Mixing of different Netweaver releases (NW04 and NW04s) -> This is unfortunatelly not possibble the J2EE engine release has to match with the ABAP stack release in order connect them properly.- The ADS SP level does not match the J2EE engine SP level. -> Please update the software components to have the same support package level.
P2 - Problems with the Credential -
Sympthoms- The printforms work fine, but you can not create interactive forms. - You have error during registration of the credential file.("An error occurred while updating the credential expiry date for alias XXXX") In the default trace you see: Error in loading the keystore:
Private key decryption error:
(java.lang.SecurityException: Unsupported keysize or algorithm parameters)
- You see the error: "An error occured while indexing the credential files" while trying to open the credential file.
Possible cause:- First make sure the credential file is ok. You can test this as follows: Download the credential to your local machine (Windows). Start it with double click. The certificate import wizard will be started. Try importing this file, and provide the password at step 3, what you have recived with the credential. If the import is successful that means the crendential is ok. If not, please contact SAP support. - Make sure you have the unrestricted version of JCE installed on your system. You can download this from your JDK vendor. For details see SAP note: #899808 - You have to restart the J2EE engine after you have registered the credential. - The IIOP Service has to be running to register the credential. Please check P3. - Make sure the credential can be found in the correct direcotry. For details see SAP note: #848539
P3 - Problems with the IIOP Service -
Sympthoms- You see the error: "An error occured while indexing the credential files" while trying to open the credential file. (as in P2)- You see the following exception in the default trace file: Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE:
can't instantiate default ORB implementation vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No
- You see the following exception in the default trace file: org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM: Not found ServiceContext with id=0 vmcid: OMG minor code: 26 completed: Maybe
- You recive the following exception, while testing the ADOBE Document Services functionality (e.g FP_TEST_00) ERROR CODE :
SOAP Runtime Exception: CSoapExceptionFault : SOAP fault found in SOAP document /Transaction system failure in method rpData./...
Possible cause:- Make sure the start up mode for the IIOP Service is set to 'Always' on both Server and Dispatcher nodes! - After enabling IIOP Service please restart the J2EE engine. - Please check P1 as we have quite often see, that there were IIOP related exceptions in the default trace, when the used plattform was not released for ADS. - Make sure you have at least one data element bound to the form. As we have seen CORBA exceptions when there was no databinding at all.
P4 - a common problem with the ADSUser -
Sympthoms- When you try to test the ADS functionality via the URL: http://:/AdobeDocumentServices/ConfigYou recive the error: Incorrect content-type found 'text/html'
- The response headers of the ADS look: HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Connection: close
Location: http://:/AdobeDocumentServices/Config/ChangePassword
Server: SAP J2EE Engine/7.00
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2006 11:58:10 GMT
Possible cause:- The password of the ADSUser user is initial. This happens often in the following cases:>> a. The Installation is double stack, and the ADSUser is defined as 'DIALOG' on the ABAP side. Please change this to 'SYSTEM'. >> b. You use some other UME mechanism, what request's the password change for ADSUser. -> You should make the necessary steps to aviod this request. >> c. Please check the following: Go to Visual Admin:
-> server -> service -> security provider service -> user management tab, then select user ADSUser.
If option 'No password change is required' is not selected, please check it.

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